Detektivní služby poskytované osobám a organizacím
- We pursue and monitor persons and things.
- We investigate insurance frauds.
- We obtain proofs for legal proceedings or for proceedings with administrative bodies.
- We are also able to obtain proofs in case of violation of lease contracts or in case of obstructing the contact with a child by one of the parents.
- We can also obtain reliable information about natural persons as well as juridical persons.
- We also offer our services in the field of latent economic crime.
- We check up the activities of employees with risk potential (stealh/robbery, leak of information to the competition etc.)
- We can check up your business partners and also your own relatives.
- We also investigate (and document) the cuckoldry of partners.
- We can care about your protection during the business meetings and negotiations. We can also guarantee that all the documents are handled safely and discreetly.
- We can pursue and monitor persons and things.
- We can offer an efficient and discreet protection against pursuing.
- We can bring proofs about an unauthorized use of flats.
- We can efficiently and reliably deliver the shipments to persons avoiding their taking over.
- We can assure expert reports and criminalistic expertises.