Analytical services
Analytical services that we provide can bring needed proofs for various legal disputes, they can also support you in negotatiting with clients, and they can be also be a preventive safety element. Within a wide portfolio of services (provided base on needs of our clients), we can assure the verification of information about both natural persons and juridical persons, or we can directly get all information required and needed. When you perfectly know all risks (thanks to the information provided by us), you’ll also have a perfect overview about all relations and connections within your own cause. That way, you can always be ahead.
- We will consider and evaluate all information that we obtained which can help to disclose all relevants facts and connections.
- We can prepare a systematic overview about all connections and relations we detected within our analytic services.
- We will inform our clients about all possible risks.
- Thanks to our outputs, your decision making is going to be much easier
- We can perform the dactyloscopy analysis (footprints identification etc.) – this service must be ordered in advance.
- We can efficiently protect the clients against pursuing. We can evaluate all the risks connected and propose using suitable tactics.