Analysis of information received from the client, setting the priorities.
- Defining the circle of employees handling the relevant information.
- Vytipování okruhu pracovníků nakládajících s dotčenými informacemi.
- Creating the algorithm mapping the information flow within the respective firm (incl. sub-suppliers who also handle some confidential information). That all includes elaborating the respective time axis.
- Defining eventual critical points from personal- and local- view incl. temporal context.
- Proposal of appropriate measures to protect the trade and business secrets of our clients.
- Defining deceitful and dishonest persons who calculate rationally but also those pathologic ones.
- Designing and creating an efficient model system of a tailor-made key-management for you or your company.
- Proposal and realizing of smart camera systems and intrusion alarm systems.
- Proposal, realizing and installation of recording facilities that are hidden (= installation of audio and video recorders etc.) with respect to clients’ needs and in connection to local conditions.
- Engaging our specialists and experts monitoring (base on outputs received) all possible ways of information leak (hidden investigation).
- Posibility to test the monitored team or take all reasonable steps (when needed). Recommending possible ways how to proceed against the employees who are not loyal.